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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

1C 1H, 1S --forcing or not?

Sometimes in a competition there is a major theme that presents itself in multiple times and in multiple ways. Have you discussed the title auction in your partnerships? When John and I prepared to play one of the top flight teams last week, our opponents were discussing whether the above auction was forcing or not. Some thought it was (their teammates) and our particular opponents were of the other opinion. Non forcing! I told John that I was happy that we had discussed the auction thoroughly and weren't going to get mixed up this set or ever! Copied ver batem from our system notes:

1C 1D, 1H
1C 1D, 1S
1C 1H, 1S
1D 1H, 1S

–only passable if you were ashamed of your first bid or bidding out of fright..

So three days forward we face the Lusky team --of all things and my partner responds 1H to my one diamond opening. I rebid 1S although came really close to just bidding 2H and getting on with life. Partner passed. Did she meet the specs of the Lusky/Knaap system notes? My hand: AQxx,Qxx.KJTx,xx Dummy: T9x,Txxxx,Ax,xxx There you are, should have gone with my intuition! Extra credit --what do you expect the Villain to lead on this auction. And if he doesn't lead "it" why not.

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